This month, January 19 would have been my Dad's 80th birthday. But for the first time, I can't call him to wish him Happy Birthday.
Then this year, our 28th wedding anniversary (June 15) will fall on Father's Day. Yes, we were married on Father's Day in 1997. I won't be able to call him then either.
I can remember him on what would have been his birthday, yes! Share memories of him, certainly. Post pics of him and I, indeed. But NO Happy Heavenly Birthday greetings, please!
Because Dad loved and believed in the truth of God's Word, especially regarding our deceased loved ones:
"For the living know that they will die;
But the dead know nothing,
And they have no more reward,
For the memory of them is forgotten.
Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished;
Nevermore will they have a share
In anything done under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 (NKJV)
Even as we funeralized and buried him last year, I knew that he could no longer hear me. I knew I was touching his remains in the casket.
Was I sad? Certainly. I was hoping to see him again alive, not in a casket! Do I miss his voice, his laughter, our deep conversations about the Bible, our talks about life, family history? EVERY DAY!
But even so, I am thankful for the TRUTH found in God's Word. Dad is SLEEPING in his grave! He is resting. And as much as I miss him, I can accept this truth! The Lord, in His mercy and compassion, laid him to rest. So in loving memory, I will look at pictures of him. I can share memories of him with others. I sorrow, but NOT as those who have NO hope! When Jesus comes again, I believe Dad will be among the "dead in Christ" who will rise in the FIRST resurrection (1 Thess. 4: 13-18).
I believe that on that great day, Dad will receive from God the clothing of immortality (1 Cor. 15:53-54).
I believe that Dad and I will be reunited around the throne of God!
So please pray for me and my family to remain faithful to God, so I can see Dad again when Jesus returns.